James Stewart
Birth and Death | |||||
Birth | 1715 | Scotland | |||
Death | BEF 18 MAR 1782 | Gaylordsville, Litchfield, CT | |||
Family | |||||
Marriage | ABT 1738 | ||||
Spouse | Keziah Scovel | 9 SEP 1716 | Connecticut | 3 AUG 1789 | Connecticut |
Notes | [JScovell descendants Helen Edwards.FTW] Reference: "A Survey of the Scovils or Scovills in England and America," by Homer Worthington Brainard, Hartford, 1915, pg 148. |
- [JScovell descendants Helen Edwards.FTW]
Reference: "A Survey of the Scovils or Scovills in England and America," by Homer Worthington Brainard, Hartford, 1915, pg 148, 162.
[Sibley - Keziah Scovel Stewart.FTW]
DATA Supp b y Mary Stewart Kyritsis, Greece, from Stewart Clan Magazine (copies on hand) - April 1997
Stewart Clan Magazine issued at Filley, Nebraska, Dec 1922 Vol 1., No 6:
In this Stewart Clan Magazine it states that James was born probably in Scotland about 17 15...other sources do not agree with this.
James was granted a cattle-mark in Voluntown 05 Dec 1739, "a crop of ye left ear and a hal fpenny on under side of ye same ear.". He deeded his land in Voluntown to his father 25 Se p 1740 and settled in East Haddam, where most of his children were born.
One of the daughters married a Harvey, and another married Nathaniel Stilson, a Baptist pr eacher, and lived in Harpersfield, Delaware Co., NY. One of their sons lived in Genesco, Liv ingston Co., Deacon of the Baptist church. The daughter who married a Harvey afterwards marri ed a Draper; one of the sons named Samuel was a presiding elder in Vermont; Gideon, another s on, was a presiding elder at Lima, Livingston Co., NY., born abt 1782. I (the author) met hi m about 1835 at a protracted meeting at Covington, Wyoming Co., NY.; he was a man of wealth . Another of my aunts married a Cone; one of her sons, a farmer, visited me in VT in about 1 805."
DATA:Celia G. Snyder email:cgsnyder@uiuc.edu - Sep 19 9 7
DATA From my original Copy of "Stewart Family History" by J Montgomery Seaver, - July 1999
DATA Supp by Marylou Denyer - email:mdenyer@juno.com - April 1998
Marylou's data from Roger Scovel's book "A Scovil Genealogy" & Brainard's Survey of the Sc ovils - copies of relevant pages on hand - April 1998
DATA Supp by FR Stewart -email:fstewart@bluemarble.net - 18 Aug 1999
Stewart Clan Magazine:
James Stewart of East Haddam bought Nov 2, 1756, land in Cornwall of Ebenezer Seeley (Deed , ii:95). He (of East Haddam, sold Jan 17, 1757, to William Stewart "of said town" land in C ornwall (ii:94). He (of East Haddam) bought Mar 27, 1767, land in New Milford (xii:71). Adm inistration on the estate of James Stewart, late of New Milford, insolent, was granted Mar 18 , 1782, to Alexander and Nathaniel Stewart (xiv:494).
DATA From my original Copy of Stewart Family History by J Montgomery Seaver,July 1999
One of the daughters married a Harvey, and another married Nathaniel Stilson, a Baptist pr eacher, and lived in Harpersfield, Delaware Co., NY. One of their sons lived in Genesco, Liv ingston Co., Deacon of the Baptist church. The daughter who married a Harvey afterwards marri ed a Draper; one of the sons named Samuel was a presiding elder in Vermont; Gideon, another s on, was a presiding elder at Lima, Livingston Co., NY., born abt 1782. I (the author) met hi m about 1835 at a protracted meeting at Covington, Wyoming Co., NY.; he was a man of wealth . Another of my aunts married a Cone; one of her sons, a farmer, visited me in VT in about 1 805."